How do you stir the food or drink? Using a clockwise or counterclockwise?
Based on the Sunnah of the Prophet, he always stir with an anticlockwise direction. Of course there is wisdom behind the Prophet as noble act. Let us soroti, and hope God gives us direction.
View all this movement:

In the structure of the atom, electrons there I was the only moving objects in an atom. It contains a negative charge and spin mengelingi nucleus viewed in counterclockwise position.
Movement in the cell cytoplasm is clockwise.

Earth and the moon rotates on its axis is clockwise.

Similarly, the moon orbiting the earth, and the earth revolves around the sun clockwise.

The planets orbit the Sun in space also move in an anticlockwise direction.

The sun rotates on its axis also clockwise.

Do not forget, the galaxy is moving clockwise. Look at the conditions of Tawaf of the pilgrimage rites, should be counter clockwise.

Circumambulation of the pilgrimage rites, performed clockwise.

Reading the Qur'an was from right to left According to the article "Secrets of the Temple" which I read here, explained that among the factors that lead to huge energy vortex in the Temple and pray at the Al-Multazim why so effective is because the circumambulate clockwise. How?
Law of the Right Hand (Right Hand Rule) 
In physics, the Law of the Right Hand (Right Hand Rule) explains that if there is a conductor which is surrounded by the current flowing clockwise, it will result an electromagnetic force that is facing upwards.
When millions of people around the compass is the Temple, this is like there is a large electric current, electrons generated from the bio in the body, moving clockwise around the Kaaba. The result is that the electromagnetic waves out of the Temple.
So from where secret why when we pray in Al-Multazim very efficacious. This is because the power of prayer and the electromagnetic wave we ride out of the Temple. So our prayer the strength to be many times over.
In the question of food and drinks to stir clockwise, I've read that metaphysical experts say that the way the water stirring clockwise can produce positive energy. Maybe it uses the same principle, according to the Law of the Right Hand. That's why many therapists through drink usually has instructions that stirred the drink in an anticlockwise direction. Allah knows best.
If this were true, then the tradition is evident miracle!
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